
Monday 19 September 2011

Tangled up.

Yesterday I was listening to music using my headphones - otherwise my mum gets annoyed cause she can hear my music, and she's usually trying to listen to the radio. Parents, eh? But this isn't a rant about parents. It's a rant about headphones.
I bought some new headphones a couple of weeks ago, cause ever since one of the ear pieces on my Apple one fell in my couple of tea... it hadn't quite worked the same since. I still have no idea how it ended up in my tea, but that's life really. So, my new ones are blue, to match my iPod, and they're very nice and headphoney.
But this is the problem. Whenever I take out my headphones, even if the wires were straight when I took them out, and I put them down on the table... when I come back to pick them up, they are always tangled. Always! How is this even possible? Do headphones feel the need to make life more difficult by tangling themselves, so you have to spend ages working out how the undo all the knots that have appeared by themselves.
Yes, I realise there are more important things that should be worried about, but headphones knots are sweeping the nation, without their users even realising it's happening.
I'm sat here, as I type (hey, I can type without looking and the keys or the screen) looking at my headphones, waiting for them to move or tangle themselves, just to provide some frustration. They're not doing anything, but I know as soon as my back is turned and I come back to them - BAM - there'll be knots.
Perhaps there's some sort of headphone science that hasn't been discovered yet.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Everything's changing.

It's started to sink in this week how much everything around me is changing. I'm one of those annoying people who doesn't like change that much - I get set in ruts way too much, and I guess now that everything is changing, this is going to put me in situations that I might not like, but hey, I'll be learning something and I should be grateful for that.

For those of you who don't know (if anyone even reads my blog, that is) I'm starting university and it's now  10 days (if I'm counting right) until I leave, and I'm starting to freak out a little. I'm worried about not seeing my friends. My closest girl friend is leaving for her university this weekend and I'm going to miss her so much! Luckily, we're only going to be about an hour or so away from each other by train, but she's helped me through so much and I'm always there for her. I think it's going to take a fair bit of adjusting to not having her around. We've been friends since we were about 5.

My boyfriend is moving to the same city with me, so I'm pretty lucky that I have him as a constant in my life, when everything else is changing.
While we're moving away, we're leaving our church behind. I love my church. The people there are like a family to me and settling into a new church away from there is going to be really tough. On Sunday, one of the people there told me they really want me to lead a church service again, and that I have a "sunny disposition". Made me smile.

Yesterday was my last day at my job. I've been there since just before my 17th birthday, so almost 4 years. Handing back my keys was tough, I thought I was going to just burst into tears!

But perhaps moving away is going to be a good thing. I'm hoping it'll help me to rely more on God, as I won't have my other "constants" to rely on anymore. I'll have to completely put my trust in him, something that can sometimes be a little difficult.
I'm also going to be studying photography and hopefully I'll make it somewhere in life.