
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Starting to feel better.

Yesterday can't really be described as a good day.
I was stressed all day, and scared that I was going to pass out or be sick. Not the best thing ever. I think I worry too much. Although that's probably an understatement.
I know that I worry far too much than is usually humanly possible. I'm joking.
But I spend far more time worrying about other people, not even worrying about myself.
Quite a lot of people tell me that I don't think about myself enough. I'm not claiming to be selfless. I can be as selfish as the next person.
But I feel good when I help someone else. When I pray for someone else. When I see someone else happy.
I'm a giver, not a receiver.
I enjoy other people's birthdays way more than my own.
I tend to spoil my boyfriend a little bit, just to see the smile on his face when he sees the new t-shirt/book/sweets/cake/anything I've bought for him :)

Not that this has anything to do with anything.
I am so tired this morning, so realise that I've just written a load of waffle. Waffling can be fun though. It gives me something to do as I try and wake up properly.
But on the subject of feeling better when I'm having a low - I've found that exercise makes me feel good. When I was at school, I hated P.E. I'm tall, so was roped into joining the school netball team. We were a strong team (and as I'm tall, my role as Goalkeeper was easy. Goalshooters were never quite so tall.) and ended up winning city and county competitions.
I never actually enjoyed running about though. It was something we were forced to do twice a week (as well as extra lunchtime and afterschool netball practice!) but when I got to college, and my friend decided to drag me along to her aerobics class with her - I realised how much I could enjoy exercise. It was a laugh dancing around the studio, singing along to songs that you had heard on the radio but didn't really know the words too. I played netball again. Goalkeeper as usual. The joys of being tall.
I've waffled again.
But yesterday, when I was feeling mega low, I went to my karate class and it just made me feel better. Maybe it's the fact that I saw my friends. Perhaps it's cause I punched the life out of a punch bag or kicked the pads really hard. Like I meant it. Maybe it's all of those things.
I don't know.
But anywhoo. I feel better today. I'm smiling.

My blog must be pretty boring. I need to stop going off on one :P

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